Subject Kernel 5.12.0 build issue
From Dilyn Corner
Date Fri, 7 May 2021 22:23:00 -0500
The launch of the 5.12.0 kernel resulted in a potential problem! It's unclear
how many people this impacts; there have only been a few reports in IRC,
including me. There is a missing #include statement in one file.
A simple:
sed -i '/<stdlib.h>/a #include <linux/stddef.h>' \
Should resolve the issue!
This persists through at least 5.12.2, and there are no obvious changes in
Linus' tree to indicate it's been reported or fixed.
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Dylan Araps (C) 2019-2020
kiss-community (C) 2020-2021
Dilyn Corner (C) 2021
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