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Subject 09/06/2021: This month in KISS (#9)!
From    Dilyn Corner
Date    Wed, 09 Jun 2021 19:21:00 -0500

Welcome to month 9!

Our dreams of no longer having to patch firefox to remove gtk+2 were dashed ever
so slightly -- the build system still checks for gtk+2. For now, the patch
stays. Albeit, more slimmed down. One day, perhaps, firefox will enter 2011.

A bug in how kiss handles dependencies has emerged. While not breaking (or even
terribly awful), it's still a bug! Checkout the issue for more:

Speaking of dependencies, it was recently asked on IRC which dependencies are
implicit and which should always be mentioned in the depends file. There isn't
currently something penned down on this, so I figured I'd write something here
that can later be documented formally.

Things that can be implicit and left out of the depends file are:
- git
- binutils
- gcc
- make
- musl
- busybox

Basically, you can assume a functioning toolchain and the basic tools supplied
by busybox. git is implicit because... Well... It's a large part of kiss.

Outside of this short list, dependencies should always be specified.

Finally, there was some recent movement on Dylan's GitHub page. $/dylanaraps
I've said it many times but I'll say it again: if he makes his way back and
wants the reigns, he's more than welcome to the domain and VPS.

And here are all of the changes since the last post! Have a great month.

Dilyn Corner (59):
      libXfixes: bump to 6.0.0
      zstd: bump to 1.5.0
      mesa: bump to 21.1.0
      libxkbcommon: change libexecdir directory
      pango: bump to 1.48.5
      libX11: bump to 1.7.1
      kiss: bump to 5.3.2
      libdrm: bump to 2.4.106
      libepoxy: bump to 1.5.8
      mesa: bump to 21.1.1
      nodejs: bump to 16.2.0
      perl: bump to 5.34.0
      curl: bump to 7.77.0
      expat: bump to 2.4.1
      libinput: bump to 1.17.3
      xfsprogs: bump to 5.12.0
      xorgproto: bump to 2021.4.99.1
      m4: bump to 1.4.19
      alsa-lib: bump to 1.2.5
      alsa-utils: bump to 1.2.5
      cmake: bump to 3.20.3
      libinput: bump to 1.18.0
      util-linux: bump to 2.37
      xorgproto: bump to 2021.4.99.2
      libXi: bump to
      mesa: bump to 21.1.2
      nodejs: bump to 16.3.0
      alsa-utils: linux-headers is a make dep
      alsa-lib: fix broken sound card driver loading
      alsa-lib: some extra patches as a catch-all fix
      alsa-utils: small patch, hopefully helps alsactl
      firefox: bump to 89.0
      git: bump to 2.32.0
      libogg: bump to 1.3.5
      meson: bump to 0.58.1
      libX11: bump to 1.7.2
      firefox: Forgot to add second shellcheck disable
      extra-cmake-modules: bump to 5.82.0
      feh: bump to 3.7
      nss: bump to 3.65
      neovim: update sources, cleanup build. Fixes #401
      nfs-utils: bump to 2.5.3; adopted
      libtirpc: bump to 1.3.2; adopted
      boost: bump to 1.76.0; adopted
      ccls: bump to 20210330; adopted
      nvme-cli: bump to 1.14; adopted
      dsp: drop outdated orphan
      fetsh: drop outdated orphan
      fish: drop outdated orphan
      freerdp: drop outdated orphan
      rgbds: drop outdated orphan
      spotifyd: drop outdated orphan
      svkbd: drop outdated orphan
      qt5-webengine: rename libXslt dependency (#420)
      qt5-webengine: update shellcheck code
      qt5-webengine: disable both shellchecks for now
      nnn: bump to 4.1, remove fts
      nss: bump to 3.66
      nnn: gmake -> make

Aaron G (2):
      sed-i: new package at 0.1
      sed-i: fix shellcheck warning

AndreiSva (2):
      added new package slang at 2.3.2
      most: new package at 5.1.0

Arthur Williams (5):
      openconnect: new package at 8.10
      vundle: new package at 0.10.2
      ccrypt: new package at 1.11
      libdvdcss: bumped to 1.4.3
      zathura-cb: new package at 0.1.8

BrentBoyMeBob (1):
      jansson: new package at 2.13.1 (#439)

Claudia (2):
      libxml2: update to 2.9.12
      aerc: reflect git version and add GOPATH=/tmp/community/community

CĂ©dric (15):
      sc-im: bumped to 0.8.2
      youtube-dl: bumped to 2021.05.16
      exiftool: bumped to 12.26
      fzf: bumped to 0.27.1
      ytfzf: bumped to 1.1.6
      gnutls: bumped to 3.6.16
      azpainter: bumped to 3.0.0
      fzf: bumped to 0.27.2
      pandoc-bin: updated to
      poppler: bumped to 21.06.1
      syncthing: bumped to 1.17.0
      cups: bumped to 2.3.3op2
      youtube-dl: bumped to 2021.06.06
      pandoc-bin: version number fixed
      azpainter: bumped to 3.0.1

James Davies (1):
      qemu: update patches, depends.

Jason Eslick (9):
      bat: bump to version 0.18.1
      trash-cli: bump to version
      protobuf: bump to version 3.17.0
      mosh: bump relver for protobuf update
      trash-cli: bump to version
      powertop: fix depends
      trash-cli: bump to version
      sgt-puzzles: bump to version 20210526
      protobuf: bump to version 3.17.3

Kyryl Melekhin (1):
      radare2: new package 5.3.0

Liam Warden (1):
      gsl: bump to 2.7

Michele ZuccalĂ  (1):
      pmount: new package at 0.9.23 (#399)

Muhammad Herdiansyah (4):
      tmux: update to 3.2
      rxvt-unicode: update to 9.26
      age: update to 1.0.0-rc.2
      cryptsetup: update to 2.3.6

Nihal Jere (5):
      iproute2: bump to 5.12.0
      sfeed_curses: bump to 0.9.12
      dash: bump to
      go: bump to 1.16.5
      sfeed: bump to 0.9.24

Ominitay (1):
      i3: fix version file

Raphael (1):
      berry: bumped to 0.1.8 (#435)

Xiaodong Xu (3):
      bottom: bumped to 0.6.1
      procs: bumped to 0.11.5
      tig: bumped to 2.5.4

Zola (6):
      exfatprogs: new package at 1.1.1 (#398)
      glew: resurrection at version 2.2.0
      glxgears-git: new package, pulls from git
      fuse2: new package at 2.9.9 (#405)
      cdrtools: new package at 3.01 (#438)
      unrar: Package resurrection at 6.0.6

aabacchus (5):
      catgirl: fix depends
      pounce: fix depends
      catgirl: remove dependency on ctags
      pounce: bump to 2.4
      catgirl: bump to 1.8

git-bruh (21):
      webkit2gtk: 2.32.1
      harfbuzz-icu: 2.8.1
      lagrange: 1.4.1
      webkit2gtk: make gst stuff optional again
      btrfs-progs: 5.12.1
      p11-kit: new package at 0.23.22
      gcr: new package at 3.40.0
      surf : 2.1
      alacritty: 0.8.0
      bind: 9.17.13
      imagemagick: 7.0.11-13
      kmod: 29
      lagrange: 1.4.2
      micro: 2.0.9
      libxslt: Renamed from libXslt
      webkit2gtk: fix depends for libxslt rename
      [ungoogled]chromium: 91.0.4472.77
      libxslt: fix depends
      libedit: revived package at 20210522-3.1
      lagrange: 1.5.0
      postgresql: new package at 13.3

illiliti (1):
      ssu: bumped to 0.3.2

mcpcpc (1):
      fltk: bump to 1.3.6


This site is an archive of a previous version of KISS's website. The current
version can be found at https://kisslinux.org/.

Dylan Araps    (C) 2019-2020
kiss-community (C) 2020-2021
Dilyn Corner   (C) 2021

Linux(R) is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and
other countries.